Wednesday, April 21, 2010

SIY *English Version*

I have received some comments from some banana friends saying that my whole blog in chinese words and they don't understand a single words! Unfair for them~ -.-" I'm so sorry my dear friends. Hereby i upload English version of S.I.Y details for your understanding~ hehehehe...for futher enquiries, you may ring me up~
Note:- This is not a slimming product. S.I.Y is not a slimming products but it is certified by Malaysia's Government as SUPPLEMENT~ This is a HALAL n VEGETARIAN PRODUCT~!!

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

SIY *English Version*

I have received some comments from some banana friends saying that my whole blog in chinese words and they don't understand a single words! Unfair for them~ -.-" I'm so sorry my dear friends. Hereby i upload English version of S.I.Y details for your understanding~ hehehehe...for futher enquiries, you may ring me up~
Note:- This is not a slimming product. S.I.Y is not a slimming products but it is certified by Malaysia's Government as SUPPLEMENT~ This is a HALAL n VEGETARIAN PRODUCT~!!

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